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About Our Guru Shree Anant Dev Ji

About Divya Sadhana's

Sadhana, derived from the Sanskrit root "sadh," meaning to accomplish or achieve, refers to the disciplined practice aimed at spiritual growth and self-realization. It encompasses a variety of practices—meditation, mantra chanting, rituals, and physical disciplines like yoga—all of which serve as vehicles for the aspirant to transcend the mundane and connect with the divine. According to the Vedas and Puranas, Sadhana is not merely a series of actions but a sacred journey towards enlightenment, undertaken with devotion and intention. Each step in Sadhana is imbued with purpose, guiding the practitioner to cultivate virtues such as patience, perseverance, and clarity of mind, ultimately leading to the realization of the true self (Atman) and its oneness with Brahman, the universal consciousness.

Upasana, meaning "sitting close to" or "worship," complements Sadhana by emphasizing the act of devotion and reverence towards the divine. It involves a deeper emotional engagement with the sacred, where the practitioner offers their heart and soul in worship through rituals, prayers, and meditative focus on a chosen deity or form of the divine. The essence of Upasana lies in creating a personal relationship with the divine, often facilitated by mantras and yantras that serve as gateways to higher states of consciousness. Through Upasana, practitioners learn to cultivate love and surrender, which fosters a sense of belonging and connection to something greater than themselves. This divine communion nourishes the spirit, transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary and illuminating the path towards inner peace and ultimate liberation (Moksha).

Both Sadhana and Upasana are vital in the spiritual landscape, offering practitioners profound insights and experiences that enrich their lives. Engaging in these practices allows individuals to harness the power of their intention, transforming their journey into a sacred pilgrimage of self-discovery. As the seeker delves deeper into these practices, they awaken to the divine presence within and around them, illuminating their path with wisdom, love, and bliss, ultimately fulfilling their highest potential and purpose in this lifetime.


Prerequisites for a Sadhak Before Commencing Sadhana:

In both Sadhana (spiritual practice) and Upasana (worship or devotion), adhering to certain best practices is crucial for obtaining the full benefits of these spiritual processes. Without these, the practices may feel incomplete or ineffective.


Here are the 11 best practices to follow:

1. Guru Guidance

Importance: Seek the guidance of a qualified spiritual teacher or Guru, as per Vedic traditions. A Guru provides proper initiation, teachings, and direction in the journey of Sadhana and Upasana.

Reference: Mentioned in the Upanishads, the importance of a Guru is vital for spiritual realization.

2. Purity (Shuddhi)

Importance: Maintain internal and external purity. Cleanliness of body and mind ensures the sanctity of the practice.

Reference: Both Vedas and Puranas emphasize that a pure state of mind is essential for connecting with the divine.

3. Regularity and Discipline (Niyama)

Importance: Perform Sadhana and Upasana consistently and with discipline. Inconsistent practice hampers spiritual progress.

Guideline: Create a daily routine for prayers, meditation, and rituals.

4. Faith and Devotion (Shraddha and Bhakti)

Importance: Both faith in the divine and devotion to the deity or object of worship are central. Without unwavering belief, the power of the practice diminishes.

Reference: The Bhagavad Gita mentions that faith is the foundation of spiritual progress.

5. Concentration (Dharana)

Importance: Focus the mind and senses on the object of Sadhana or the deity during Upasana. Distraction reduces the efficacy of the practice.

Guideline: Techniques like breathing exercises and mantras help maintain focus.

6. Intention (Sankalpa)

Importance: Begin each practice with a clear, positive intention or resolve (Sankalpa). The energy behind the intention directs the results of the Sadhana.

Reference: The Vedic rituals often start with Sankalpa, emphasizing its role in manifesting desires.

7. Mantra Recitation (Japa)

Importance: Recite mantras accurately with full concentration. The vibrational energy of mantras is transformative and protective.

Reference: The power of mantras is well-documented in the Puranas, such as the Vishnu Purana.

8. Breathing and Posture (Pranayama and Asana)

Importance: Proper breathing techniques and maintaining a comfortable posture enhance focus and reduce physical distractions during Sadhana.

Guideline: Sit in a meditative posture, with the spine straight, to allow free energy flow.

9. Offering and Gratitude (Dakshina and Prasada)

Importance: Always make offerings with a pure heart and express gratitude to the divine for blessings received. This shows humility and respect.

Reference: The concept of Yajna (sacrifice) is discussed in the Vedas as a way to express reverence.

10. Silence and Solitude (Mauna and Ekanta)

Importance: Periods of silence and solitude help deepen internal reflection, allowing for personal spiritual growth.

Guideline: Engage in Mauna (vow of silence) for certain periods during the practice.

11. Humility and Patience (Vinaya and Sahana)

Importance: Cultivate humility and patience in the process. Spiritual progress takes time, and egotism or impatience can hinder growth.

Reference: The Vedic teachings emphasize that ego is the greatest barrier to realizing the divine.


Unwavering Surrender To The Divine:

When one practices Sadhana and Upasana with unwavering surrender, devotion, and faith, the divine not only brings spiritual awakening but also manifests abundant material and worldly prosperity. The Vedic scriptures and teachings of the great sages affirm that when a person is aligned with the cosmic forces, material success, wealth, and the power to manifest desires are natural outcomes. Here are three key material transformations that unfold alongside the spiritual awakening:

1. Attraction of Abundant Wealth and Success

Through sincere and devoted practice, the energy of the universe begins to flow favorably toward the seeker. Wealth, success, and material prosperity become effortless, as the practice aligns the individual with the vibrations of abundance. The mind, now purified and empowered, draws in opportunities for financial growth, success in business, and material well-being. This is not a selfish gain but a divine blessing that allows the practitioner to live with dignity and serve others. The Bhagavad Gita assures that those who walk the path of righteousness and devotion never lack in material needs.

2. Manifestation of Desires with Power of Sankalpa

The power of Sankalpa (intention) is greatly enhanced through regular practice. When the mind is purified and attuned to the divine, whatever the seeker thinks or desires for themselves, their family, or others, begins to manifest with ease. The energy of the cosmos responds to their will, and the boundaries between desire and reality begin to dissolve. Whether it is health, happiness, or success, the practitioner’s words and intentions hold power, allowing them to shape their reality and fulfil desires for themselves and those around them.

3. Blessings and Upliftment of Family and Society

A person who practices Sadhana and Upasana regularly not only benefits themselves but also uplifts their family and society. Their mere presence brings peace, prosperity, and protection to their household. As they rise in spiritual power, the divine blessings flow to their loved ones, ensuring health, happiness, and success in all endeavors. The positive energy generated through these practices extends beyond the personal sphere, influencing the well-being of the entire community, and allowing the practitioner to be a vessel of divine grace for others.

Through Sadhana and Upasana, the individual becomes a co-creator with the divine, manifesting both spiritual liberation and worldly fulfilment. This harmonious balance between the material and spiritual realms allows one to live a life of purpose, abundance, and service, fulfilling their role in the world while remaining anchored in the divine.

In the Vedic tradition, it is said, "Yatra Yogeshwara Krishna, Tatra Partho Dhanur Dhara"—wherever there is alignment with the divine, there is not only wisdom but also victory, prosperity, and abundance in every form.

Major transformations In Sadhak:

When a person engages in Sadhana and Upasana with complete surrender and devotion, profound inner and outer transformations occur. These changes are not just superficial; they are deeply spiritual, aligning the individual with divine forces and higher consciousness. Here are the 11 major transformations that manifest within the seeker:

1. Awakening of Inner Peace (Shanti)

As the mind quiets and aligns with higher energies, the turbulent waves of anxiety, fear, and doubt begin to dissolve. A deep, unwavering peace emerges, untouched by external circumstances. This is the peace that surpasses understanding, a glimpse of the eternal.

2. Purification of the Mind (Chitta Shuddhi)

The impurities of the mind—negative thoughts, desires, and attachments—are cleansed. Like a river that flows clear after the dirt settles, the mind becomes a pure vessel, ready to receive divine wisdom. This purification allows the seeker to experience divine grace more fully.

3. Expansion of Consciousness (Chaitanya Vikas)

Through sincere practice, consciousness expands beyond the individual ego. The seeker begins to perceive the interconnectedness of all life, realizing the oneness of creation. The boundaries between self and the universe blur, opening the door to cosmic awareness.

4. Opening of the Heart (Hridaya Vikas)

Love, the very essence of the divine, fills the heart. The individual’s capacity for compassion, empathy, and unconditional love grows, extending not just to close ones, but to all beings. The heart becomes a radiant beacon of divine love, capable of healing and transformation.

5. Strengthening of Willpower (Iccha Shakti)

The spiritual fire within strengthens. As the seeker walks the path with devotion, their willpower becomes indomitable. Obstacles, both internal and external, are overcome with grace and determination. The will becomes aligned with divine will, moving in harmony with the universe.

6. Removal of Ignorance (Avidya Nivritti)

The fog of ignorance, which clouds perception and binds the soul, begins to lift. Through deep Sadhana, the seeker gains clarity about their true nature, realizing that they are not the body or mind but the immortal Atman (soul). Knowledge of the self-dispels the darkness of ignorance.

7. Mastery over Senses (Indriya Nigraha)

As devotion deepens, the distractions of the senses lose their grip. The seeker no longer remains a slave to sensory desires and attachments. Instead, a profound sense of control and mastery over the senses is attained, allowing the seeker to channel energy into spiritual growth.

8. Cultivation of Detachment (Vairagya)

Detachment from material and worldly desires naturally blossoms. The seeker remains in the world but is no longer of it. This does not mean renouncing responsibilities, but rather developing a deep sense of non-attachment, recognizing that true fulfilment lies beyond the material plane.

9. Strengthening of Faith (Shraddha)

Faith becomes the bedrock of the seeker’s life. Doubts, which may have plagued the mind, dissolve as the seeker experiences divine presence firsthand. This unshakeable faith becomes a guiding light through the darkest of times, sustaining the seeker on their spiritual journey.

10. Manifestation of Divine Qualities (Daivi Sampat)

The qualities of divinity—such as truth, purity, patience, humility, and forgiveness—naturally begin to manifest in the seeker. These divine attributes are not just theoretical but become lived experiences, guiding interactions and decisions in daily life.

11. Union with the Divine (Atma Sakshatkara)

The ultimate fruit of Sadhana and Upasana is the realization of one’s unity with the divine. This experience of Atma Sakshatkara (self-realization) transcends words. The individual soul merges with the supreme, experiencing the bliss of oneness with the infinite, eternal source.


These transformations are not sudden but unfold gradually as one continues on the path with devotion, patience, and surrender. As the great sages say, "The path is the destination," and each step in Sadhana and Upasana brings the seeker closer to their divine self. The more profound the surrender, the more radiant the transformation.

These best practices ensure that the Sadhana and Upasana process is holistic, sacred, and aligned with spiritual laws. For specific guidance, you can reach out to Guru Anant Dev for further teachings and initiation.

​For any guidance, please feel free to contact Guru Shree Anant Dev Ji who is always available for all his devotee’s/Sadhak’s & will provide Free Personalized Guidance on their spiritual path.


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